Club Officers & Coaches

Club Officers


Mario Stankovic 

Chairman / Development Officer

Paul Woods

Vice Chairman 

Steve Lamb

Club Secretary

Jane Burton


Mark Burton

Membership Secretary / Tournament Advisor

Susan Stankovic

Records Officer / Voting Member

 Lee Watefield

Buildings Manager / Voting Member

Paul Moran

Equipment Officer /  Coaching Organiser

Mark Burton

Safe guarding Officer

Gareth Fuller

Token Scheme Administrator

Leigh Davis


Gary Dodd

Beginners Course

Safeguarding Officer / Social Secretary

Marie Davis

Social Media Officer

Callum Fuller

Junior Rep / Voting Member

Amy Sykes

Junior Rep

Xander Bunney


Malcolm Douglas-Kellie

Website Admin

Alison and Mark Cotton

Mario Stankovic

In December 2024, archery in general and Sherwood Archers in particular lost a long standing and valued member – our President Mario Stankovic.  Mario was a well-known and respected member of both the archery and local community here in Southwell, having done so much to support good causes.  Of particular note was his work with the Community Responder Scheme as both a responder and fund-raiser. He was instrumental in securing and developing the archery field near Maythorne that we enjoy today.  As well as a committee member at local, county and regional levels, he was a coach and judge, officiating at tournaments around the country until fairly recently.  He always had a kind and encouraging word for those in the sport and a wealth of experience to share.  His funeral saw over 200 mourners attend to pay their respects and bid him farewell, a measure of his standing in the archery and local communities.  A guard of honour from Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service were present at the service to honour his service as a retained firefighter here in Southwell, and a Community First Responder vehicle and crew lead the cortege to the chapel doors.  Before the funeral service, Mario and his family went to the Club field, where a black arrow was shot to mark his passing.  Our condolences and respects to Susan and Mario’s family, and a heartfelt thank-you to Mario.  Farewell. 

George Brown

George Brown was the Club President and had been in this role for more than 25 years. He was a competent archer who had been shooting for many years now. His preferred bow type was the traditional long bow. George was responsible for organising many of Sherwood Archers competitions, including the Barebow/Longbow competitions. He also had the delightful role of public relations officer, writing articles regularly to inform the public about the Club, its activities & the victories of its members. This role he carried out with distinction until his untimely passing in March 2023. He was a key member of the club and is missed by all who knew him. 

Club Coaches

Paul Woods

Mark Burton

Jane Burton

Martyn Smith

Susan Stankovic

Alice Wood-Stevens